

About Me

Since most people in the mobile section don't really give a damn about modders and support reuploaders and mod stealer i don't upload my mods here nor will i assist anyone who supports mod stealing/reuploading

Country: United States
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I have 94 rank points.(?)

My GTAinside rank is
and I'm called:

"Bounty Hunter"

My Stats
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 0 mods
Total: 0 downloads
Average: 0 downloads
Last online:
31.05.2016, 06:10
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My Recent Comments
Blood Screen for Android
arshi678 | 21.09.2015 | 19417

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 94

@arshi678 Beware of GTAmodding........ he's one of the craziest mod stealers i've EVER seen and im not joking O.O

Blood Screen for Android
arshi678 | 14.09.2015 | 19417

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 94

@Lumba trick? there's no trick you have to literally remove the incompatible opcodes that gta sa android can't use otherwise the game crashes when the script is loaded...... anything else would be complete bs o.o

Blood Screen for Android
arshi678 | 14.09.2015 | 19417

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 94

@Lumba Yes removing opcodes that are incompatible with gta sa android...... but i can make scripts from scratch that that are a bit more android friendly. But with android modding being dead cause of mod stealers i feel my knowledge of cleo scripting is pretty useless at this point Laugh

Blood Screen for Android
arshi678 | 14.09.2015 | 19417

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 94

@Lumba um yeah....... i know how to make cleo scripts already but pc tutorials won't do you you much good for long cause gta sa pc and gta sa android are slightly different. And i can tell who can cleo script from someone who clearly can't........

Blood Screen for Android
arshi678 | 13.09.2015 | 19417

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 94

whose mod is this i know arshi can't script? O.o