

About Me


I used to produce modifications primarily for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in my earlier days. Now that I'm preoccupied with other activities and interests, it is a safe bet to say that I won't be posting a mod for this game any time soon. It was a good run and very fun while it lasted but I've gotten over the modding scene for GTA: SA.

General Information:

Name: Nonya
Age: Nonya
Religion: Nonya
Address: Nonya
Specs: Intel HD 620 Integrated Graphics
Hate: DRM
Recommended Titles: Counter-Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike Source, Grand Theft Auto Series, Elder Scrolls Series, Fallout Series, Battlefield Series, Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Blackops, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, NBA Live 05, SWAT 4, Halo Trilogy, Star Wars Battlefront(OG), Arkham Series, and many many more.

Weird Stuff You Don't Need to Know:

If you are still reading this, you have no life. What does it mean to have a life? Would it be fair to say that our reality is simply the collective fantasy of every individual around us. What is life? In the great scope of things... why the fuck are you still reading this? Fuck off and go do something productive.

Country: United States Age: 104
Social Media
My Rank
I have 471 rank points.(?)

My GTAinside rank is
and I'm called:

"King of GTA"

My Stats
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 0 mods
Total: 0 downloads
Average: 0 downloads
Last online:
16.08.2023, 03:57
My Recent Activities
No Recent Activities
My Mods

No mods uploaded so far.

My Recent Comments
Timecyc Emerald For Android
Yogi | 22.02.2017 | 87568

"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 471

Cool. Keep it up!

Spider-Man Web Zip For Android
Gta Modder | 25.02.2016 | 101119

"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 471

@MichaelDS007 I suppose that makes sense. I'm not really to into modding for the android or IOS. Kinda weird how they use different opcodes though. Might do some research on that.

Spider-Man Web Zip For Android
Gta Modder | 24.02.2016 | 101119

"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 471

Didn't you just change the file .cs into .csi in Winrar and then use the same gta3 files?

Spiderman Fighting Style
blast atom | 12.02.2016 | 39372

"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 471

I think this is stolen.

New_Ped.ifp2015 for Android
arshi678 | 30.11.2015 | 19240

"King of GTA"
King of GTA
Comments: 471

1st download!