

About Me

I love Falcom games, especially Trails series and YS series too. I also like Hyperdimension Neptunia (not as much as before though) and GTA SA (classic version 4 ever! XD). Rigging models of my favorite games is one of my favorite passtimes. Hope you like my skins! :D

Reminder: I don't take model or release requests (I release just what I want, whenever I feel like doing it), so asking me continuosly for any of these, works negatively for me (the more they are requested, the less likely I'm willing release it, as it happened with my 4GO skins).

I think it's a bit late, but I decided to not release any more skins, especially thanks for some annoying user that has been harassing for a long time (not only here, but also GTA Forums as well). Sure, it is unfair for everyone, but I grew tired by all their harassment. I won't come back here so this is the last thing I'll write here. It's a shame a page of this caliber don't have even a basic block function.

I've made a lot of other skins, mostly from Neptunia, but also from Trails of Cold steel too, but they will end being unreleased. All thanks the user called "Nepgear24" (and their other usernames they have as well) that has been harassing me for more than a year. So if you want to complain about not getting any more skins from me, be sure to thank that user for all the hassle ;)

Anyways, bye, and take care everyone! :D

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My Rank
I have 28 rank points.(?)

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and I'm called:


My Stats
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 0 mods
Total: 0 downloads
Average: 0 downloads
Last online:
13.07.2023, 13:28
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My Mods

No mods uploaded so far.

My Recent Comments
GTA V Aim for Android
Rizky Aldiansyah | 22.06.2021 | 73580

Comments: 28

Nice good

Skin Selector V4 Updated For Android
Wajahat Munir | 17.04.2021 | 111204

Comments: 28

The mod works great but I have an annoying problem, every time CJ's body stat changes, the currently used skin gets all deformed after changing/loading locations, rendering that particular skin unusable until quitting and re opening the game. Can you fix it please? or at least point me to another mod that freezes the body stat from increasing/decreasing?
Thanks in advance. good