LCstuntman on GTAForums
Country:This is no longer necessary - and will not work - for the new Cleo v2.0.1. (04 April 2021)
You can get the updated Cleo from the devs website:
Quote: nothing770
Could I have your addon cars cleo script?
Quote: MDXNaTioN
Bug only one is the house cj the floor is translucent because don't add map with import i tried edit the files .ini but no result.
How to solve it???
@Panicoo182 Its constant with the "Mobile versions", almost all PC models already work, worst case you have to rename some textures but most "ports" never do that so they still conflict with everything else. Then they take credit on top of it.
Can u find a way to fix texture flickering on 1.08
Quote: Tales
for Gta sa Lite
Quote: Rizal_Noob_Modder
Can you also make the non-rooted version for 1.08 apk?
Quote: Shadow Fight
Do you can GTA LCS support to CLEO?
You need to put author DimZet in the post here, not just readme. All you did was rename .cs to .csa and release under your name.