
GTA III: Savegames

GTA III Android (93% completed) Savegame

Author: Anten_GTA
Date: 26.07.2019
Downloads: 23040 | Statistics
Filesize: 40.278 KB

7.00 based on 3 votes

I decided NOT to give you 100% save game since it will be so boring once you reached 100% (no more contacts for jobs)

So, here is my 93% progress of GTA III (Android anniversary edition). Save file details below :
- All 100 hidden packages collected. Thus, all weapons delivered at your safehouses.
- No wasted. No busted.
- approximately 11 million dollars in your pocket.
- All vehicles exported
- Viliangte, Ambulance, Taxi driver, Firefighter ; all completed
- All 20 stunt jumps completed
- All 20 rampages completed
- All 3 offroad missions completed (You should thanks me a lot, pals! Because I had spent my goddamn 5 hours retrying “Gripped" mission until I fibally beated it!)
- All 4 toy vans missions completed

I have left you another 7% to be completed by yourself (Most of them are the final-phase storyline missions) which includes of :
- Grand Theft Aero, Donald Love
- Escort Service, Donald Love
- Decoy, Donald Love
- Love's Disappearance (cutscene)
- Bait, Asuka
- Espresso to go, Asuka
- S.A.M., Asuka
- Ransom (cutscene)
- Kingdom Come, the final payphone mission from King Courtney
- Rumble, the final payphone mission from D.Ice
- The Exchange (The final storyline mission)

NOTE : This save game will overwrite your 2nd save slot.

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GTA III Android (93% completed) Savegame
GTA III Android (93% completed) Savegame GTA III Android (93% completed) Savegame GTA III Android (93% completed) Savegame GTA III Android (93% completed) Savegame GTA III Android (93% completed) Savegame

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